原文出處: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/hack-this-extra-image-metadata-using-python

1) ExifRead 
利用python 函式庫 ExifRead 即可輕易地作 tiff/jpeg 檔案格式的元數據metadata抽取
$pip install exifread

直接在CLI命令列執行 EXIF.py,即可對單一照片檔案image1.jpg 來抓出此張照片相關資料數據
$ EXIF.py image1.jpg

Opening: pic.jpg EXIF ApertureValue (Ratio): 2 EXIF ColorSpace (Short): sRGB EXIF ComponentsConfiguration (Undefined): YCbCr EXIF DateTimeDigitized (ASCII): 2002:12:08 12:00:00 EXIF DateTimeOriginal (ASCII): 2015:06:13 10:21:45 EXIF ExifImageLength (Long): 2448 EXIF ExifImageWidth (Long): 3264 EXIF ExifVersion (Undefined): 0220 EXIF ExposureTime (Ratio): 11/20000 EXIF FlashPixVersion (Undefined): 0100 EXIF FocalLength (Ratio): 177/50 EXIF ISOSpeedRatings (Short): 100 EXIF InteroperabilityOffset (Long): 535 EXIF UserComment (Undefined): d with VSCOcam Image Copyright (ASCII): COPYRIGHT 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Image ExifOffset (Long): 275 Image GPSInfo (Long): 565 Image ImageDescription (ASCII): Processed with VSCOcam Image Make (ASCII): Xiaomi Image Model (ASCII): MiTwo Image ResolutionUnit (Short): Pixels/Inch Image Software (ASCII): VSCOcam Android Version: v3.3.2 (217) Image XResolution (Ratio): 72 Image YCbCrPositioning (Short): Centered Image YResolution (Ratio): 72 Interoperability InteroperabilityIndex (ASCII): R98 Interoperability InteroperabilityVersion (Undefined): [48, 49, 48, 48] Thumbnail XResolution (Ratio): 72 Thumbnail YResolution (Ratio): 72


File has JPEG thumbnail EXIF ApertureValue (Ratio): 4845/1918 EXIF BrightnessValue (Signed Ratio): 14515/1629 EXIF ColorSpace (Short): sRGB EXIF ComponentsConfiguration (Undefined): YCbCr EXIF DateTimeDigitized (ASCII): 2013:03:09 16:36:20 EXIF DateTimeOriginal (ASCII): 2013:03:09 16:36:20 EXIF ExifImageLength (Long): 2448 EXIF ExifImageWidth (Long): 3264 EXIF ExifVersion (Undefined): 0221 EXIF ExposureMode (Short): Auto Exposure EXIF ExposureProgram (Short): Program Normal EXIF ExposureTime (Ratio): 1/1227 EXIF FNumber (Ratio): 12/5 EXIF Flash (Short): Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode EXIF FlashPixVersion (Undefined): 0100 EXIF FocalLength (Ratio): 107/25 EXIF FocalLengthIn35mmFilm (Short): 35 EXIF ISOSpeedRatings (Short): 50 EXIF MeteringMode (Short): Pattern EXIF SceneCaptureType (Short): Standard EXIF SensingMethod (Short): One-chip color area EXIF ShutterSpeedValue (Signed Ratio): 10343/1008 EXIF SubjectArea (Short): [1631, 1223, 881, 881] EXIF WhiteBalance (Short): Auto GPS GPSAltitude (Ratio): 34 GPS GPSAltitudeRef (Byte): 0 GPS GPSImgDirection (Ratio): 23341/197 GPS GPSImgDirectionRef (ASCII): T GPS GPSLatitude (Ratio): [22, 1002/25, 0] GPS GPSLatitudeRef (ASCII): N GPS GPSLongitude (Ratio): [120, 1833/100, 0] GPS GPSLongitudeRef (ASCII): E GPS GPSTimeStamp (Ratio): [8, 36, 41/2] Image DateTime (ASCII): 2013:03:09 16:36:20 Image ExifOffset (Long): 204 Image GPSInfo (Long): 594 Image Make (ASCII): Apple Image Model (ASCII): iPhone 4S Image Orientation (Short): Horizontal (normal) Image ResolutionUnit (Short): Pixels/Inch Image Software (ASCII): 6.1.2 Image XResolution (Ratio): 72 Image YCbCrPositioning (Short): Centered Image YResolution (Ratio): 72 Thumbnail Compression (Short): JPEG (old-style) Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormat (Long): 890 Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormatLength (Long): 11733 Thumbnail ResolutionUnit (Short): Pixels/Inch Thumbnail XResolution (Ratio): 72 Thumbnail YResolution (Ratio): 72

當然除了在CLI執行EXIF.py外,也可以另外寫一支簡單python的程式碼,引入ExifRead函式庫,以善用其相關method功能。其中.process_file()的功能據稍是:to deal with all the arbitrary nasty bits of the EXIF standard,什麼意思,我也不太懂,而其回傳的傳是一組dictionary的資料結構。

2) Pillow 另一個python 函式庫
之前習作過利用pillow (Python Images Library)進行圖片編修,而這回則是要利用它的
同樣也是先透過PIP 把它安裝好
$pip install pillow

TAGS, GPSTAGS 這兩個類別class的使用文件
但其實寫了跟沒寫差不多, 請參考其原始碼內容,以了解這個dictionary各自key/value 之意義

照著原作,打入以下的程式碼,會回傳下面的key/ value 對應資訊

ExifVersion b'0221' ComponentsConfiguration b'x01x02x03x00' ApertureValue (4845, 1918) DateTimeOriginal 2013:03:09 16:36:20 DateTimeDigitized 2013:03:09 16:36:20 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm 35 FlashPixVersion b'0100' MeteringMode 5 Flash 16 FocalLength (107, 25) ExposureMode 0 Make Apple Model iPhone 4S Orientation 1 YCbCrPositioning 1 SubjectLocation (1631, 1223, 881, 881) SensingMethod 2 XResolution (72, 1) YResolution (72, 1) ExposureTime (1, 1227) ExifImageHeight 2448 ExposureProgram 2 ColorSpace 1 GPSInfo {16: 'T', 1: 'N', 2: ((22, 1), (4008, 100), (0, 1)), 3: 'E', 4: ((120, 1), (1833, 100), (0, 1)), 5: 0, 6: (34, 1), 7: ((8, 1), (36, 1), (2050, 100)), 17: (23341, 197)} ISOSpeedRatings 50 ResolutionUnit 2 ExifOffset 204 WhiteBalance 0 SceneCaptureType 0 FNumber (12, 5) Software 6.1.2 DateTime 2013:03:09 16:36:20 ExifImageWidth 3264

from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
img = Image.open(“pic1.jpg”)
info = img._getexif() 
print info
#回傳一組dictionary, 但其key以數字代表,從相應的數值value有些可以猜出它可能代表的東西或標記。如果用下面迴圈的寫法,得出來的內容物一樣,但不是dictionary型態,而是把dictionary每一個對應的key/value一一回傳打印出來。不過還是不知道變數”tag”代表的意義,這裏它仍只是一堆數字標誌的代號。
for tag, value in info.items():
print(tag, value)
for tag, value in info.items():
for tag, value in info.items():
key =TAGS.get(tag)
print(key, value)

透過這次練習,除了學到PIL.ExifTags模組以及ExifRead函式庫。其中又透過PIL.ExifTags TAGS, GSPTAGS二個類別class,簡單地重溫了一下python資料結構形態dicitonary,以及dictionary內鍵功能(如本例中的items())的進一步認識

最後,作了半天的元數據metadata抽取,到底有什麼意思呢?在表象上我們可看到的資料數據底下,還有這些由機器數位過程所產生記錄下來有關資料的資料。它能夠揭發的資訊,恐怕是原資料當事人也不知道的「自己」。如果你對元數據還是一無所知,不妨看看Pirivacy International 所製作的這支三分鐘小動畫。