
據聞,名單是由線上政治學Onlinepolitics 、世界政府電子化論壇World Egov Forum所票選來的年度網路影響力。

  1. Ace Electoral Knowledge Network
  2. Care2
  3. Action for Austrialia
  4. Hazteoir.org
  5. Korea Online Citizen Participation Portal
  6. Netzpolitik.org
  7. Open Space Online
  8. Pambazuka NewWeekly forum for soical justice in Africa
  9. Unity08.com


Nominees were selected based upon the following:

  • Highly effective leaders who are making outstanding e-political and e-governmental achievements
  • Forward-thinking organizations that have led the way in this revolution
  • Innovative ideas or strategies that have forever changed the political process